

Mental Health Benefits of Reading

Studies have shown that reading as little as 6 minutes per day can improve your quality of sleep, reduce stress, and sharpen mental acuity. Reading strengthens the neural circuits and pathways of our brain while lowering heart rate and blood pressure.

The ability to empathize and engage with diverse stories outside of our own lived experiences can bring us a greater sense of human connection and empathy. This often leads to stronger relationships and shared understanding.

Last year I began reading more consistently. It has undoubtedly played a major role in helping me deal with feelings of loneliness and anxiety. Reading gives me the opportunity to slow down and be present within the story, a welcome escape from moments of anxious overthinking. My favorite times to sit down with a good cup of tea and dedicate time to reading are right before bed and on Sunday mornings.

Many people shy away from reading or fail to see it as a form of self-care. They’ll think back to the boring novels they were assigned to read in school. And they may not have much energy after spending a full day at work, caring for your homes and families, and dealing with the daily stressors of life.

I hope to help people view reading as a way to support their mental wellness. Reading allows you ton engage with fun entertainment while calming and strengthening the mind.

In an 8-week study, a meditation style called “mindfulness meditation” reduced the inflammation response caused by stress.

Furthermore, research has shown that meditation may also improve symptoms of stress-related conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, and fibromyalgia.

What Should I Read?

If you’d like to try reading more often, choose books that are of interest to you. No matter what type of book you choose, simply reading a few pages when you can is what counts.

Start with visiting your local used bookstore or library. Many librarians and bookstore employees will be happy to give you recommendations. Skim the first few pages of the book before purchasing. Does the story include characters or a setting you want to know more about? The key is finding books that capture your attention.

You’ll probably start to notice a difference in your sleep quality and mood after you get in the reading habit—whether you’re listening intently to an audiobook during your commute or devouring a few pages while doing laundry.

Even though colder weather means spending more time inside, your mind can go wherever you want with the help of a good story.